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Living with Purpose

Warwick Christian College empowers students to discover their God-given role in the world, enabling them to lead a life filled with purpose.

Learning with Purpose

Warwick Christian College is dedicated to providing a well-rounded education that prepares students for success.

Growing with Purpose

Warwick Christian College fosters purposeful co-curricular experiences in sports, the arts, and outdoor education, nurturing the holistic development of our students.

Parent of Secondary students

“My family have been at the school a long time and the school has seen many of my children through to graduation. It has been wonderful watching the school morph and grow to where it is now”

Former Student

“I enjoyed the small school environment where I was known and cared for.”


“Christian staff and teachers openly talking about God and encouraging my children in their personal relationships with God. Just in the 'normal' day to day things. There seems to be quick responses to things that need to be addressed with behaviour, 'issues' and the like”

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