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Mission & Values

As Christian educators, our mission is to encourage students to see the world through an eternal perspective, inspiring students to love God and others as themselves. Our students are equipped with all the tools they need for a successful and fulfilling life so that they can contribute meaningfully to the world they live in.


Our Vision

Known by Name

We aim to know student by their name, engage with their story and encourage them in using their unique God-given gifts.


Valued and Inspired

We believe that students are made in the image of God with intrinsic value, and we endeavour to inspire them to give their personal best in all that they do.


Challenged to Succeed

We walk the journey with our students, providing opportunities to stretch and grow them. Using Biblical principles, we promote resilience and depth of character to succeed in life.


Our Motto

Christ, Community, Character


Our Purpose

Educate for eternity, equip for life


Our Way





















Staff Credo

"You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden." Matt 5:14

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